A yogi, not living in the high altitudes or the secluded caves, but amid the worldly people. Disguised as a normal man so that his inner peace can be best utilized for the spiritual aspirants and real seekers. Biography of one such great Yogi.
I decided to write this biography via this blog to help people get acquainted with a spiritual personality from the Dattatreya parampara (lineage), a living saint of the present century, whose sole motive was to remain dormant and construct the spiritual dimension of the society. Because of Yogiji's discernment and as a part and parcel of his approval to the following blog, this is now being made accessible for the best spiritual utilisation of general public. The real name, address, cult, guru's name and other details of Sri Yogiji are not being revealed. Quoting Yogiji:
"What does one have to do with the name, form and identity? What's my identity? This body that you see? I am not the body. What will you receive knowing about my whereabouts? For I am the soul. I belong to none, and everybody belongs to me. Don't thrive in vain to know unimportant things. Associate with my soul and get into a spiritual satsanga with me. If your sul finds the connectivity, stay. Else the cosmos will surely direct you towards the right path. For the truth is that which cannot be long hidden."
And Yogiji firmly believes that until a person has let gone of the attachments to the rewards and emoluments that his name would bring, he cannot become stable on the spiritual path. It's something he's inherited from his great master, his age-old guru, the one he loves and revers the most.
The holy land of India has been shrouded in mysteries. The mysteries of the Himalayan saints, siddhas, yogis, swamis, and the mystics known as the sufis. On this very land, the spirituality laid its firm roots. The seed of the spiritual gem was sown in this very soil, which resulted in a great harvest since times immemorial. The blend of all the major religions of the world are found in this very country, India. Be it the Christianity, Islam or Hinduism (along with Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism), the Zoroastrianism, or any other, the communal harmony and peace prevalent among all these major 'isms' and sects are undoubtedly found in the country, India. In these sects and religions, the mysticism and philosophy of yoga has found a specific place in each, in one way or the other. In Islam, the path of mysticism came to be known as the Sufism. The strict practices of Chilla Nashini or the hard fasting during the month of Ramazan, are similar to the fasting process in Hinduism or to the secluded meditation done in the high altitudes of the Himalayas. The concept of Faqiri tallies to the concept of Asceticism. Religion is a barrier to the soul. It may prove to be the first step which one has to climb, but ultimately one will have to give away the bondage of religion and traverse on the path of spirituality to discover the ultimate truth. The ultimate truth where all the "isms" dissolve into one supreme truth. A truth which is inaccessible for a large majority of living population in a corrupted world, and easily accessible to the one who has attained the grace of a Guru. The truth, which for the Tathagata Buddha, came after the Nirvana/Nibbana.
Since the commencement of late thirteenth century, India has witnessed a swarm of ascetics, saints, mystics and sufis. The Deccan part of India was full of great sufi Saints. In the region of Ajmer came the great Khwaja Mouinuddin Chisti. More than twelve hundred Chisti saints migrated into India. In these some prominent ones were, Hazrat Mastan Baba, Hazrat Faridabad Ganj Baksh, Hazrat Zainuddin Shirazi, Hazrat Babajan, Hazrat Tajuddin Baba and others. They started the devotional singing known as Sama and detailed it as a means to better know the lord, the Allah. In the same era, the simultaneous saints and Siddhas from the Sanatan Dharma came up. Prominent in those were the ones belonging to the Bhakti Yoga (similar to Sama of sufism). They detailed the devotional singing as a means to gain communion with God. Some prominent saints were, Tukaram, Nivrutinath, Raghavendra Swami, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Ramanujacharya and others. This spiritual revolution which began from early tenth century became widespread in the early nineteenth century, which witnessed the heads of spiritual hierarchy. These were, Totapuri Maharaja, Ramkrishna Paramhansa, Swami Vivekananda, Shirdi Saibaba, Upasani Maharaj, Lahiri Mahasaya, Paramhansa Yogananda, Yukteshwara Giri, Mahendranath Gupta, Ramana Maharshi, Nisargdatta Maharaja, Hazrat Babajan, Tajuddin Baba, Narayan Maharaj from Kedgaon, Akkalkot Maharaja, Venkaiah Swami, Meher baba, Ram Sharma acharya, Bahaduri Mahasaya, and many others. These saints were not meditating in the caves somewhere, but were easily accessible to a vast majority of people. They were carrying their works from the remote villages in India. Some jewels like Saibaba of Shirdi became the pole of these and hundreds of millions today gather at his shrine in Shirdi even now. Where there is honey, the bees get automatically attracted. Most of these saints came to the Maharashtra region in Western India. Some Yogis like Vivekananda and Yogananda took the ancient system of Yoga to the West. This led to the influx of a large amount of devotees from the West. Paramhansa Yogananda mentioned the long hidden secrets of the yogic world in his best selling book, Autobiography of a Yogi.
With a growing amount of people searching for the mystics and spiritual holy men, a large number of conmen also came up in direct proportionality. They fooled the innocent Western and Eastern folks, both alike, charging thousands in money, in the name of "third eye activation" and other such processes. Some claimed themselves as an Avatar of the pre-established saint and started showing the tricks like that of materialisation etc, to attract millions of innocent people to "Self Claimed Godhood". People were not being fooled, but the conman himself in the court of God. For their is a saying in Sufism, as the Yogiji always says :
"I do not want to prove myself great in front of the worldly people. For sure I can hide many things from them and fool them in many ways, but how then, will i be answerable to my Lord, whom i cannot fool? For these worldly people will die, but my lord is eternal."
India has a rich heritage of spiritual secrets. Some of these secrets are revealed in the books like the Tirumanthiram(Tirumandiram) which came from the great Siddhar of the South India. Some are revealed and compiled by the Sage Patanjali and other Sadhanas like the Yoga of Kriya and Kundalini have been revealed elsewhere. But in this world of modernization and profit seeking, who is the real from the fake? Which technique received is unaltered? How to know the true hidden secrets of the Himalayas? The answer is to trust your intuition. Your conscience always speaks the truth. Though in the present century, the true Siddhas have secluded themselves in caves and forests, some still remain in the dormant sphere of the busy world.
One such Yogi was born in a town of Central India, in Madhya Pradesh (The place where great Dhuni wale dadaji took incarnation in Khandwa). In the much later half of the Nineteenth century, Yogiji was born in the town of Bhopal in the state of Madhya Pradesh, the heart of India. He's born in a middle class family. From the pen of Yogiji :
"I was born in Bhopal in an upper middle class Brahmin-Kayastha family. My family belonged to the liberal views. They were moderately religious. Not much. If there was a certain occasion, the worship was done, else the altar remained shrouded in dust. Ever since I was born I ohad a deep inclination towards spirituality, as an aftermath, as a result of the prarabdha from my previous births. People used to call me a priest, and later on, a Maulana. While i was very small (Around 5-7), i used to collect the pictures of God. In the later half of my childhood, i started reciting the Quran and Azan. Since my family members were liberal, they didn't mind my interest in all the "isms". I was known in the society and school for creating various beautiful pictures of God, without seeing from anywhere. It's all in my heart. In School, students from all religious background came to me to share with me my spiritual treasure. They asked me to create their respective chosen God. I had the feeling of oneness for all. Such was my Childhood. I was blessed with love for God, despite an agnostic family environment. There was momentary domestic violence in the family. I cried as much i laughed. I had bad memories as much as i had pleasant ones. My mother used to bring me idols of God each time she went to the market. For kids of my age, toys were the fantasy. For me, nothing interested me more than God. I had more than hundreds of idols, both small and big, from my childhood. I have a memory of the childhood. We were going by bus in the state of Rajasthan. Many people in the bus gathered around me when i started reciting the Hanuman Chalisa. They were amazed and said that it's a God gift. They praised this little boy to the best of their capacity. Today when i recall the incident, i smile to myself. Nothing as the gift of God is there. Perhaps the Good Samskaras which created the impressions in the soul to be carried life after life."
The Turning Point of Life : Becoming an Atheist
Life of Yogiji became too much troublesome as he was growing in his teenage years. The Spirituality within him started fading.When he came in the Pre-University, +1, he became a patient of depression. The circumstances in his life became too adverse and miserable. He started seeking an escape. The escape in the form of Suicide. Though when the destiny wills, what can a human do? He had a near death experience, and he came back to life. After which? After which, he became a Spiritual man. The life pulled him down just to throw him up at a greater rate. At a rate which is exceptionally high. A bow can be shot only by pulling the string back. So are the rules of life. There is a saying, "Whatever happens, happens for Good." We cannot see the broader aspect of life while living in the present moment. The beauty of life unfolds when we actually live each and every moment to the fullest. When the situation is not in our favor, it's because God is planning to give us something better than what we had expected. This happened in the life of Yogi Ji.
From the pen of Yogiji :
"My life started becoming miserable. I became an atheist and hated God to the very core of my being. I became a Guy of Science. Once, while in +1, we were having a debate in the class room. My mam asked, who's the person who didn't believe in God. Only one hand stood up. That was mine! Mam asked me to meet her after the class. Our's was a catholic school. So was my teacher. She interlocked her eyes with mine, and asked me, 'You don't believe in God'.
Me : Not at all.
Mam : So do you believe in Devil?
Me : I Believe in Science (I replied in affirmative).'
Little did i know that i had become a follower of Satan and not of Science. Slowly i started engaging myself in black magic. I used to go on the terrace and lie down crying for the whole night. Almost naked. Hurting myself. I was in depression and the Tamo Guna/The Satan/Shaitan/The mara was acting on me. My father and i had a great repulsion for each other. I had a bad friend circle and i started smoking. Things became worst from bad. I attempted suicide. First time, i took a blade and cut down my nerves. Some how I was saved from the calamity. Second time also i was saved anyhow.
Third time, i clearly remember, i suffocated myself to death. I was lying on my bed in the room. Slowly the light started fading away into complete darkness. I started feeling lighter. Light as a feather. I was floating. I was dying, and all the while i was conscious of dying. I saw my body lying pale and lifeless, but i was still there. I don't remember what happened next! I was breathing from my nostrils and was in my body. I don't know if this was NDE or result of Astral projection (Which i had been doing lately as a part of black magic). Whatever it was, i realized that life doesn't end with the body. The life is something much different from the body. That day was the one during which i was possessed. Foam came out of my mouth. The voice changed. Many people who witnessed it were scared to death. In a world of current scientific era, this is hard to engulf. But the truth won't change with the belief. Because I have lived it. And the family associated with me has lived it too. Later on a Siddha Purusha from the same hometown, abused me and threatened me with his broom, which killed the Satanic Consciousness within me. He was a disciple of Tajuddin baba."
When all the negativity had veiled the Yogiji's life, his parents sought the help of a local Siddha living in a small hut in the nearby locality of rural people. The place was known as Sai Taj Darbar. The place was graced by Siddhas, Tajuddin baba, Saibaba, Gajanan maharaj and some Muslim Saints. It's believed among many followers that the Saint there receives the "Besherit"(Grace) of Tajuddin baba. His body was possessed by the Hazrat Tajuddin baba who spoke from him. Such a Siddhi is known as Parkaya pravesh and is not alien in the ancient Hindu system of Yoga. Yogi ji being an atheist didn't believe in all this, at that span of time. The young adrenaline rushed through his body. When he entered the Darbar of this Saint, Yogi Ji stood in front of him. Then he showered abuses on the Yogi Ji, saying that it's the place of ALLAH, and if Yogiji dared, the latter should abuse him. Then he took his broom and gave three sudden jerks on the head of Yogiji which took away his Satanic consciousness and that of the world, making him enter the doorway to the Spiritual kingdom. Before this incidence also, once his mother took him to a Yogini who stayed in a small cubicle within a temple in Saket Nagar of Bhopal. She's an old woman having a lustre on her face which was unmatched. She lived with a girl who used to attend her personally. In her small room was an altar where she worshiped. She gave a black thread to the Yogi ji and asked him to wear it. It can be said that Siddhas have had started the work of reminding Yogi of his spiritual consciousness for the benefit of mankind.After this experience, the old impressions (Prarabdhas) and the Sadhana of many lives which yogi ji had been containing in his Subtle and Mental bodies, revived. He started from the point where he had left in previous life and in his childhood. He gathered all his strength and stood up to create his life. To end the cycle of life and death. He had realized that death is not the finally reality. And much more importantly, he had lived it. He had known it. He was fortunate enough to pass through it. After three suicidal attempts, and reliving in each case; he understood that there is some divine will acting through him. Some divine will framing his life. During the second suicidal attempt, he felt the presence of the son of God, The Christ who came to him in the subtle sphere and saved him from the clutches of death and that of Satan. He grew better in his relationship with father and with God. In a short while he completely got over the Black magic and negative emotions. It's said that one cannot get rid of death when one falls into the trap of Satan. But if there is the grace of Siddhas who can cause any harm to the blessed soul? Who can cause any harm to the one who has descended to redeem the humanity of it's afflictions.
"As he materialized himself from the thin air, I couldn't blink my eyes. I was frozen in the moment. It's not a dream or a hallucination, yet was greater than any of these. It's the best moment of life. He's barefoot. Wearing nothing. Nothing at all. He moved with fast pace and had an athletic body. His arms stretched until the knees. I had a feeling which i cannot describe in the words. How stupid was I? How insane was I that I was adamant on searching a Guru, when he's right there with me, all this while? Had the Hatha Yoga or the Kundalini Yoga been possible by a newbie if the Guru would not have had a constant eye upon him? Was it possible for a boy of 18 to cover great miles and meet the Siddhas, had the Guru not been with him? Was it possible for a boy to come out alive after three fatal suicidal attempts, had the Guru not been with him? He's right there in front of me, yet moving away. I cannot put in words what i felt. I became Blissful all at once. I went into the deep state of Trance. The state of Sahaja Samadhi. My Guru was with me. And now when i was preparing for the spiritual uplift, he's there right in front of me. I was content. Contented, knowing that my Guru is in subtle body and is always with me.After that Darsana of Gurudeva, I saw him thrice in the Physical body. Breaking the laws of Universe for me. Who else can do that except a loving Guru? He's my mother, father and all the family people. I am the trillionth time (or even the more) of the dust attached to his lotus feet. I aspire to be the road on which he moves. The cot on which he sleeps. The place in which he excretes. He's my very reason of living. His nectar like eyes make me forget myself. I don't even crave liberation ever since i have known my Guru. My Guru is my liberation. I want to abide wherever my Guru takes me. As a thousands Vivekananda be made from a single dust particle of the feet of Ramkrishna Paramhansa, so can a quadrillion **** Yogi's be made out of the dust of the dust taken from the lotus feet of my Guru. I Love him more than i love breath. Spirituality to me is my Guru. Whatever i am, is because of my Guru."
As Pundalik had the darsana of Lord Vitthoba, Mira had the darsana of lord Krishna, Prahlad sat on the lap of Lord Narasimha, as Yogananda found Yukteshwara Giri, as Vivekananda found Ramakrishna Paramhansa, in a similar way, Yogiji found his Guru. The shore of nectar, where his thirst was quenched, all at once.

Janglidas Maharaja (An Incarnation of Jangli Maharaja) Sri M, Born Mumtaz ali, A disciple of Babaji (Book : Apprenticed to a Himalayan Master)
The Guru of Yogiji gave him the Diksha of the Actual and unaltered Kriya Yoga which was imparted to the great Lahiri Mahasaya. Though the cult of Yogiji was different, still he did the Kriya Sadhana of great Guru Babaji. He even imparts the Kriya Yoga to the true seekers of spirituality, after examining their potential for the same. He doesn't even charge a penny and gives away whatever he has inherited in his spiritual treasure trove from the Guru. Since his Guru's Guru, the Grand Guru of Yogiji belonged to the Sufism, the teachings of Yogiji find a blend of three major isms. After gaining a communion and immense love for his Guru, the eternal knowledge of Spirituality dawned on Yogiji and he became a source of light and peace, radiating the Satchitananda bliss. He'd the experience of Nirvikalpa Samadhi by the grace of his Guru and understood the essence of the truth of the Universe. After sparing years in austere spiritual discipline, Yogiji met many more great Saints of his span. Sri M (Apprenticed to a Himalayan Master fame), whose was the Guru Maheshwarnath Babaji (A disciple of Mahavatar Babaji), also visited Bhopal and met Yogiji and hugged him with love. He himself invited Yogiji, and wanted his initiation in a technique belonging to his cult. Moreover he wanted to take Yogiji along with him. But when he was told that he's having a Guru and also the mother, Sri M said that they both will be meeting regularly and left. He met some masts (Spiritually intoxicated souls as said by the Meher baba) and witnessed many Mastanis. He undertook a long spiritual journey, which long back started in the Ajmer at the shrine of the Hazrat Khwaja Mouinuddin chisti aka Garib Nawaz to the Southern tip of Spiritual India. He went through the Dargahs of many Sufi Saints. He relived the Sadhana of many Siddhas in their caves and secret huts. He then retired to live with his parents in the house based in Bhopal.After some months of his stay, he had the darsana of the Mahavatar Babaji. Here's from the pen of Yogiji :
As the rigorous Spiritual pursuit was going on, Yogiji started visiting the nearby shrines to perform some more spiritual disciples under the effect of higher vibrations. As the people saw him they were fascinated to this young Yogi doing severe of Austerities. At a local Devi temple at 1100 Quarters Bhopal, the priest and the crowd received Yogi ji with all reverence. Similar was the scene at various other places. The people were automatically drawn to him, as the bees are drawn to honey. They started coming to Yogi ji in numbers, with an even increasing worldly demands. A person in the third stage of a fatal disease got cured. He's getting the treatment in the Apollo Hospital in Hyderabad. Yogiji recommended three therapies for him in place of five (as was recommended by doctors), and LO! The three were to be done, and in a short time, he became alright. Some came with family problems. Yogiji blessed them and all their problems were sorted out in no time. As such miracles followed, a large number of people started coming to Yogiji. He became greatly disturbed, seeing that only two out of many, who came to him, were spiritual aspirants. No one came for Spiritual redemption but worldly comforts. Yogi ji decided to move away from the Public and live in disguise as a normal man in his cubicle, doing the Sadhana and interacting with just three to four Spiritual devotees, who by that time, had become too close to Yogiji. He did the same. And after that, he's seen near to only those who were seeking the Spiritual knowledge, peace of mind and an aspiration to lead the spiritual life. To those, who were in the search of Spiritual Guidance. Many people took him to be a mystic with the miracles which occurred. When asked about the Miracles, he says :
"I never performed any miracle. I am not a miracle worker. If you seek miracles, go out and reach to some great magicians like Chris angel. Why coming here? Here you will find only spiritual solace and no miracles? Is Maya not miraculous? When a twenty feet high tree emerges out from a small pea-sized seed, don't you take it as a miracle? Miracle is happening everywhere in the world. Just see around. Miracle is an illusion. So is this world. Why create more illusions within the illusory world. The greatest miracle is to ignite the spark of spiritual life within a worldly person. If i may be able to do that by the grace of Almighty, you may call me a miracle worker. But no siddhi has been granted to this body, and so I cannot grant it to those who come to me in search of it. Don't come to me in search of power, fame or Siddhis. People get cured and healed. They get what they want. It's not because of any miracle. It's because of their faith in me and in God. Faith in God can move mountains. That is not miracle but faith. If you have such an unshakable faith in lord, even a stone will answer your prayers."
There are many people who take Yogi ji as a Guru, but Yogi ji has accepted only one person as his disciple until date. He doesn't make any Sishyas nor give any Formal Diksha (Until the aspirant is highly ready to receive it or is spiritually inclined). He says that the bond of a Guru and a disciple is not formed out of the statements. It requires testimony on the part of disciple. He should be able to have Sakshatkar of the Guru, and should then seek for the right directions that the Universe give to the aspirant. Only after the Rinanubandhas from many previous lives, is the bond of Guru and Sishya formed.
Yogi is not inaccessible to true seekers of Spirituality. He's ever ready to help those who need the spiritual uplift in their life or aspire to do a Satsanga with him. But in the coming year, he's going away from the world, in the deep forests to continue his Sadhana. We have a few more years with him. The direct address of Swamiji cannot be given on a public platform. But the center, Sai Samarth Kendra in Bhopal, may help the genuine seekers of truth meet the yogiji.
All you may do is to write us an e-mail on, saisamarthparivar@yahoo.in
Their is no cost AT ALL, to stay in Bhopal at the place of Yogiji, if the people are coming from outstations or are coming from countries other than India.
I decided to write this biography via this blog to help people get acquainted with a spiritual personality from the Dattatreya parampara (lineage), a living saint of the present century, whose sole motive was to remain dormant and construct the spiritual dimension of the society. Because of Yogiji's discernment and as a part and parcel of his approval to the following blog, this is now being made accessible for the best spiritual utilisation of general public. The real name, address, cult, guru's name and other details of Sri Yogiji are not being revealed. Quoting Yogiji:

And Yogiji firmly believes that until a person has let gone of the attachments to the rewards and emoluments that his name would bring, he cannot become stable on the spiritual path. It's something he's inherited from his great master, his age-old guru, the one he loves and revers the most.
The holy land of India has been shrouded in mysteries. The mysteries of the Himalayan saints, siddhas, yogis, swamis, and the mystics known as the sufis. On this very land, the spirituality laid its firm roots. The seed of the spiritual gem was sown in this very soil, which resulted in a great harvest since times immemorial. The blend of all the major religions of the world are found in this very country, India. Be it the Christianity, Islam or Hinduism (along with Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism), the Zoroastrianism, or any other, the communal harmony and peace prevalent among all these major 'isms' and sects are undoubtedly found in the country, India. In these sects and religions, the mysticism and philosophy of yoga has found a specific place in each, in one way or the other. In Islam, the path of mysticism came to be known as the Sufism. The strict practices of Chilla Nashini or the hard fasting during the month of Ramazan, are similar to the fasting process in Hinduism or to the secluded meditation done in the high altitudes of the Himalayas. The concept of Faqiri tallies to the concept of Asceticism. Religion is a barrier to the soul. It may prove to be the first step which one has to climb, but ultimately one will have to give away the bondage of religion and traverse on the path of spirituality to discover the ultimate truth. The ultimate truth where all the "isms" dissolve into one supreme truth. A truth which is inaccessible for a large majority of living population in a corrupted world, and easily accessible to the one who has attained the grace of a Guru. The truth, which for the Tathagata Buddha, came after the Nirvana/Nibbana.
Since the commencement of late thirteenth century, India has witnessed a swarm of ascetics, saints, mystics and sufis. The Deccan part of India was full of great sufi Saints. In the region of Ajmer came the great Khwaja Mouinuddin Chisti. More than twelve hundred Chisti saints migrated into India. In these some prominent ones were, Hazrat Mastan Baba, Hazrat Faridabad Ganj Baksh, Hazrat Zainuddin Shirazi, Hazrat Babajan, Hazrat Tajuddin Baba and others. They started the devotional singing known as Sama and detailed it as a means to better know the lord, the Allah. In the same era, the simultaneous saints and Siddhas from the Sanatan Dharma came up. Prominent in those were the ones belonging to the Bhakti Yoga (similar to Sama of sufism). They detailed the devotional singing as a means to gain communion with God. Some prominent saints were, Tukaram, Nivrutinath, Raghavendra Swami, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Ramanujacharya and others. This spiritual revolution which began from early tenth century became widespread in the early nineteenth century, which witnessed the heads of spiritual hierarchy. These were, Totapuri Maharaja, Ramkrishna Paramhansa, Swami Vivekananda, Shirdi Saibaba, Upasani Maharaj, Lahiri Mahasaya, Paramhansa Yogananda, Yukteshwara Giri, Mahendranath Gupta, Ramana Maharshi, Nisargdatta Maharaja, Hazrat Babajan, Tajuddin Baba, Narayan Maharaj from Kedgaon, Akkalkot Maharaja, Venkaiah Swami, Meher baba, Ram Sharma acharya, Bahaduri Mahasaya, and many others. These saints were not meditating in the caves somewhere, but were easily accessible to a vast majority of people. They were carrying their works from the remote villages in India. Some jewels like Saibaba of Shirdi became the pole of these and hundreds of millions today gather at his shrine in Shirdi even now. Where there is honey, the bees get automatically attracted. Most of these saints came to the Maharashtra region in Western India. Some Yogis like Vivekananda and Yogananda took the ancient system of Yoga to the West. This led to the influx of a large amount of devotees from the West. Paramhansa Yogananda mentioned the long hidden secrets of the yogic world in his best selling book, Autobiography of a Yogi.
With a growing amount of people searching for the mystics and spiritual holy men, a large number of conmen also came up in direct proportionality. They fooled the innocent Western and Eastern folks, both alike, charging thousands in money, in the name of "third eye activation" and other such processes. Some claimed themselves as an Avatar of the pre-established saint and started showing the tricks like that of materialisation etc, to attract millions of innocent people to "Self Claimed Godhood". People were not being fooled, but the conman himself in the court of God. For their is a saying in Sufism, as the Yogiji always says :
"I do not want to prove myself great in front of the worldly people. For sure I can hide many things from them and fool them in many ways, but how then, will i be answerable to my Lord, whom i cannot fool? For these worldly people will die, but my lord is eternal."
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Secrets of the Himalayan Siddhas |
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Cover of AOAY by Yogananda |
One such Yogi was born in a town of Central India, in Madhya Pradesh (The place where great Dhuni wale dadaji took incarnation in Khandwa). In the much later half of the Nineteenth century, Yogiji was born in the town of Bhopal in the state of Madhya Pradesh, the heart of India. He's born in a middle class family. From the pen of Yogiji :
"I was born in Bhopal in an upper middle class Brahmin-Kayastha family. My family belonged to the liberal views. They were moderately religious. Not much. If there was a certain occasion, the worship was done, else the altar remained shrouded in dust. Ever since I was born I ohad a deep inclination towards spirituality, as an aftermath, as a result of the prarabdha from my previous births. People used to call me a priest, and later on, a Maulana. While i was very small (Around 5-7), i used to collect the pictures of God. In the later half of my childhood, i started reciting the Quran and Azan. Since my family members were liberal, they didn't mind my interest in all the "isms". I was known in the society and school for creating various beautiful pictures of God, without seeing from anywhere. It's all in my heart. In School, students from all religious background came to me to share with me my spiritual treasure. They asked me to create their respective chosen God. I had the feeling of oneness for all. Such was my Childhood. I was blessed with love for God, despite an agnostic family environment. There was momentary domestic violence in the family. I cried as much i laughed. I had bad memories as much as i had pleasant ones. My mother used to bring me idols of God each time she went to the market. For kids of my age, toys were the fantasy. For me, nothing interested me more than God. I had more than hundreds of idols, both small and big, from my childhood. I have a memory of the childhood. We were going by bus in the state of Rajasthan. Many people in the bus gathered around me when i started reciting the Hanuman Chalisa. They were amazed and said that it's a God gift. They praised this little boy to the best of their capacity. Today when i recall the incident, i smile to myself. Nothing as the gift of God is there. Perhaps the Good Samskaras which created the impressions in the soul to be carried life after life."
The Turning Point of Life : Becoming an Atheist
Life of Yogiji became too much troublesome as he was growing in his teenage years. The Spirituality within him started fading.When he came in the Pre-University, +1, he became a patient of depression. The circumstances in his life became too adverse and miserable. He started seeking an escape. The escape in the form of Suicide. Though when the destiny wills, what can a human do? He had a near death experience, and he came back to life. After which? After which, he became a Spiritual man. The life pulled him down just to throw him up at a greater rate. At a rate which is exceptionally high. A bow can be shot only by pulling the string back. So are the rules of life. There is a saying, "Whatever happens, happens for Good." We cannot see the broader aspect of life while living in the present moment. The beauty of life unfolds when we actually live each and every moment to the fullest. When the situation is not in our favor, it's because God is planning to give us something better than what we had expected. This happened in the life of Yogi Ji.
From the pen of Yogiji :
"My life started becoming miserable. I became an atheist and hated God to the very core of my being. I became a Guy of Science. Once, while in +1, we were having a debate in the class room. My mam asked, who's the person who didn't believe in God. Only one hand stood up. That was mine! Mam asked me to meet her after the class. Our's was a catholic school. So was my teacher. She interlocked her eyes with mine, and asked me, 'You don't believe in God'.
Me : Not at all.
Mam : So do you believe in Devil?
Me : I Believe in Science (I replied in affirmative).'
Little did i know that i had become a follower of Satan and not of Science. Slowly i started engaging myself in black magic. I used to go on the terrace and lie down crying for the whole night. Almost naked. Hurting myself. I was in depression and the Tamo Guna/The Satan/Shaitan/The mara was acting on me. My father and i had a great repulsion for each other. I had a bad friend circle and i started smoking. Things became worst from bad. I attempted suicide. First time, i took a blade and cut down my nerves. Some how I was saved from the calamity. Second time also i was saved anyhow.
Third time, i clearly remember, i suffocated myself to death. I was lying on my bed in the room. Slowly the light started fading away into complete darkness. I started feeling lighter. Light as a feather. I was floating. I was dying, and all the while i was conscious of dying. I saw my body lying pale and lifeless, but i was still there. I don't remember what happened next! I was breathing from my nostrils and was in my body. I don't know if this was NDE or result of Astral projection (Which i had been doing lately as a part of black magic). Whatever it was, i realized that life doesn't end with the body. The life is something much different from the body. That day was the one during which i was possessed. Foam came out of my mouth. The voice changed. Many people who witnessed it were scared to death. In a world of current scientific era, this is hard to engulf. But the truth won't change with the belief. Because I have lived it. And the family associated with me has lived it too. Later on a Siddha Purusha from the same hometown, abused me and threatened me with his broom, which killed the Satanic Consciousness within me. He was a disciple of Tajuddin baba."
Hoarding leading to "Sai Taj Darbar" at Six Number stop in Bhopal (M.P.) |
When all the negativity had veiled the Yogiji's life, his parents sought the help of a local Siddha living in a small hut in the nearby locality of rural people. The place was known as Sai Taj Darbar. The place was graced by Siddhas, Tajuddin baba, Saibaba, Gajanan maharaj and some Muslim Saints. It's believed among many followers that the Saint there receives the "Besherit"(Grace) of Tajuddin baba. His body was possessed by the Hazrat Tajuddin baba who spoke from him. Such a Siddhi is known as Parkaya pravesh and is not alien in the ancient Hindu system of Yoga. Yogi ji being an atheist didn't believe in all this, at that span of time. The young adrenaline rushed through his body. When he entered the Darbar of this Saint, Yogi Ji stood in front of him. Then he showered abuses on the Yogi Ji, saying that it's the place of ALLAH, and if Yogiji dared, the latter should abuse him. Then he took his broom and gave three sudden jerks on the head of Yogiji which took away his Satanic consciousness and that of the world, making him enter the doorway to the Spiritual kingdom. Before this incidence also, once his mother took him to a Yogini who stayed in a small cubicle within a temple in Saket Nagar of Bhopal. She's an old woman having a lustre on her face which was unmatched. She lived with a girl who used to attend her personally. In her small room was an altar where she worshiped. She gave a black thread to the Yogi ji and asked him to wear it. It can be said that Siddhas have had started the work of reminding Yogi of his spiritual consciousness for the benefit of mankind.After this experience, the old impressions (Prarabdhas) and the Sadhana of many lives which yogi ji had been containing in his Subtle and Mental bodies, revived. He started from the point where he had left in previous life and in his childhood. He gathered all his strength and stood up to create his life. To end the cycle of life and death. He had realized that death is not the finally reality. And much more importantly, he had lived it. He had known it. He was fortunate enough to pass through it. After three suicidal attempts, and reliving in each case; he understood that there is some divine will acting through him. Some divine will framing his life. During the second suicidal attempt, he felt the presence of the son of God, The Christ who came to him in the subtle sphere and saved him from the clutches of death and that of Satan. He grew better in his relationship with father and with God. In a short while he completely got over the Black magic and negative emotions. It's said that one cannot get rid of death when one falls into the trap of Satan. But if there is the grace of Siddhas who can cause any harm to the blessed soul? Who can cause any harm to the one who has descended to redeem the humanity of it's afflictions.
After coming out of that negative aspect of life and
realizing the ultimate truth, Yogiji illuminated with the
divine spark of Spirituality within him. The incomplete story of his Spiritual
childhood was to complete with the spiritual ending, leading to the
enlightenment of various people. Yogiji started reading the
ancient Yogic philosophies, Samkhya and the Vedas,
the Quran and the Bible. But no sooner after
starting these, he realized that the guidance of a Guru is indispensable. Something mandatory on the Spiritual path. A
guru is the crust on which one can step with full confidence. Unlike the swamp
of self efforts where the success wasn't sure. He then joined some local organizations promoting the Spirituality in various ways. BrahmaKumaris, Art of living, Isha Kriya etc. Though each one was good in it's way of preaching, Yogi ji found that these have distorted the ancient teaching of the Vedas to mold it in their own ways and promote their organizations. Each had their own Public Guru or God. He didn't find an attraction towards these and needed to get at the root of ultimate truth. It's possible only through the grace of Guru. He prayed to his Guru to unveil himself in front of him. In his life the Siddhas started
making an entry. He's alien to many of those. Meher Baba, the
ancient one, entered his life through an Iranian friend who was a devotee of
the former. Yogiji realized that he had an ancient connection
with the ancient one. He'd even witnessed the Mouna pose photo of Meher baba while he's in grade sixth (Primary school). He
became acquainted with many more Saints and Sages who came to
him through various different means. He even had the Darsana of
a great Avadhoota Siddhar from South, while he's in Ninth
grade. But he's not content with any of those. Moreover all the nineteenth
century saints had long taken the Samadhi. There was a great Saint
of the stature of Mahavatar Babaji who was present in the
subtle body guiding Yogi ji's Spiritual path. But Yogiji's search
was for a Guru in the physical body. And it was turning futile. In
his ignorance he searched desperately for a physical Guru. But none appealed to
him. He met many Saints who have been living in his times. He went to the
Kopargaon to meet the Janglidas Maharaja the one who's claimed
to be the complimentary of Akkalkot Maharaja. The former received Yogiji with
great reverence. He said that his Sadhana was "Bada
Bhaari" (Very heavy), and there was nothing more he needed to do. Janglidas
Maharaja held his hand and they talked for a long time. Feeling the
incompleteness of a Guru, his conscious mind didn't feel the connection one feels
in the presence of one's own Guru. Yogiji knew this connection
from all his previous lives. He's reading the book of Paramhansa
Yogananda when an opportunity arose for him. Yogananda was
reaching Yogiji in astral body. When Yogiji was
reading the chapter of the book, which described the YSS Ranchi part, he became
keen on interacting with the monks of that institute. The very same day he
received an invitation which said that two highly revered monks from YSS Ranchi
were coming to Bhopal. His happiness knew no bounds. He wanted to know what the Kriya
Yoga is, which has gained such a widespread public attention. He went
and personally interacted with the monks there. The monks received him with
great respect. Yogiji has gotten some miraculous marks as a
result of Kundalini activation, which he showed to one of the
monk. He told them that he's feeling his Guru is in Subtle form and not Physical. The monk was adamant on making Yogiji accept Yogananda as
his Guru. Yogi ji didn't like this forced concept of imposing
a Guru due to a "Formally given Diksha to
thousands", and believed that the connection of a Guru to
a disciple is one to one, and not many to one. He
saw that people in the saffron color garbs were selling the ancient Kriya
Yoga revived by the great Lahiri Mahasaya. They had millions of disciples and the Guru didn't even know them personally. The modern
Gurus belonging to the system of monks didn't appeal him and he continued on
his spiritual path. The Jnana dawned on him that he will not
be able to find the Guru. Because it's not the disciple who reaches the master,
but vice-versa. He gave up his search and decided to start the ancient Yogic
art of Hatha Yoga and Kundalini Yoga. He joined a
local school for Hatha Yoga, but the very first day that he went,
he was surprised to learn that he knew all the Yogic Postures. The
marks of the Chakras started occurring on his back (Which last until this
time), and he knew the minute details of Kundalini Yoga. How
can it be? The Tapas from his previous lives was bearing fruit
and he's able to recall all of it. Then he understood the significance of Janglidas
Maharaj's words, "There is nothing more that you need to do." Still Yogi ji took the pledge of not giving up Sadhana until the very point of time that he's in the physical plane. Once while roaming around in the locality at around 07 O' clock, he saw a man
appearing from the thin air. It's the first "grand" mystical
experience in the life of Yogiji. He's an old man. He's exactly the
same Siddha, of whom Yogiji had known since a long
time. Since his childhood. The Saint who's guiding him through the subtle
planes. The Saint who had taken his care all this while and who's looking after
his life right from the childhood until this very time. From the pen
of Yogiji,
"As he materialized himself from the thin air, I couldn't blink my eyes. I was frozen in the moment. It's not a dream or a hallucination, yet was greater than any of these. It's the best moment of life. He's barefoot. Wearing nothing. Nothing at all. He moved with fast pace and had an athletic body. His arms stretched until the knees. I had a feeling which i cannot describe in the words. How stupid was I? How insane was I that I was adamant on searching a Guru, when he's right there with me, all this while? Had the Hatha Yoga or the Kundalini Yoga been possible by a newbie if the Guru would not have had a constant eye upon him? Was it possible for a boy of 18 to cover great miles and meet the Siddhas, had the Guru not been with him? Was it possible for a boy to come out alive after three fatal suicidal attempts, had the Guru not been with him? He's right there in front of me, yet moving away. I cannot put in words what i felt. I became Blissful all at once. I went into the deep state of Trance. The state of Sahaja Samadhi. My Guru was with me. And now when i was preparing for the spiritual uplift, he's there right in front of me. I was content. Contented, knowing that my Guru is in subtle body and is always with me.After that Darsana of Gurudeva, I saw him thrice in the Physical body. Breaking the laws of Universe for me. Who else can do that except a loving Guru? He's my mother, father and all the family people. I am the trillionth time (or even the more) of the dust attached to his lotus feet. I aspire to be the road on which he moves. The cot on which he sleeps. The place in which he excretes. He's my very reason of living. His nectar like eyes make me forget myself. I don't even crave liberation ever since i have known my Guru. My Guru is my liberation. I want to abide wherever my Guru takes me. As a thousands Vivekananda be made from a single dust particle of the feet of Ramkrishna Paramhansa, so can a quadrillion **** Yogi's be made out of the dust of the dust taken from the lotus feet of my Guru. I Love him more than i love breath. Spirituality to me is my Guru. Whatever i am, is because of my Guru."

Janglidas Maharaja (An Incarnation of Jangli Maharaja) Sri M, Born Mumtaz ali, A disciple of Babaji (Book : Apprenticed to a Himalayan Master)
The Guru of Yogiji gave him the Diksha of the Actual and unaltered Kriya Yoga which was imparted to the great Lahiri Mahasaya. Though the cult of Yogiji was different, still he did the Kriya Sadhana of great Guru Babaji. He even imparts the Kriya Yoga to the true seekers of spirituality, after examining their potential for the same. He doesn't even charge a penny and gives away whatever he has inherited in his spiritual treasure trove from the Guru. Since his Guru's Guru, the Grand Guru of Yogiji belonged to the Sufism, the teachings of Yogiji find a blend of three major isms. After gaining a communion and immense love for his Guru, the eternal knowledge of Spirituality dawned on Yogiji and he became a source of light and peace, radiating the Satchitananda bliss. He'd the experience of Nirvikalpa Samadhi by the grace of his Guru and understood the essence of the truth of the Universe. After sparing years in austere spiritual discipline, Yogiji met many more great Saints of his span. Sri M (Apprenticed to a Himalayan Master fame), whose was the Guru Maheshwarnath Babaji (A disciple of Mahavatar Babaji), also visited Bhopal and met Yogiji and hugged him with love. He himself invited Yogiji, and wanted his initiation in a technique belonging to his cult. Moreover he wanted to take Yogiji along with him. But when he was told that he's having a Guru and also the mother, Sri M said that they both will be meeting regularly and left. He met some masts (Spiritually intoxicated souls as said by the Meher baba) and witnessed many Mastanis. He undertook a long spiritual journey, which long back started in the Ajmer at the shrine of the Hazrat Khwaja Mouinuddin chisti aka Garib Nawaz to the Southern tip of Spiritual India. He went through the Dargahs of many Sufi Saints. He relived the Sadhana of many Siddhas in their caves and secret huts. He then retired to live with his parents in the house based in Bhopal.After some months of his stay, he had the darsana of the Mahavatar Babaji. Here's from the pen of Yogiji :
Yes. I had his darsana. But what do you actually mean by darsana? Ever since Yogananda has mentioned about this ancestral Yogi, named Mahavatar by Lahiri Mahasaya, people have been talking about him. So many People, Yogis and Siddhas speak of meeting Mahavatar Babaji since the Yogananda has made a mention of him. Why there was not such a bogus about Mahavatar babaji prior to the Yogananda's book, Autobiography of a Yogi? Some even relate him with the Hadiakhan babaji. Why people are now so much interested in the Mahavatar Babaji? Ever wondered that the soul within you is the oldest of the old, having become a human as an aftermath of years of conscious evolution. There are so many other yogis who have retained their sheaths of subtle body. Mahavatar is not Hadiakhan baba. They are different. The latter is an advanced siddha. Mahavatar is the consciousness, which has retained it's youthful form since ages. I don't claim of touching or speaking to him. Because i haven't. Nor has he given me any secret technique or mantra. He unveiled to me his true presence. Yes. He lives in you. Long hair, broad chest, wheatish complexion, and lustre on his face. But you need to explore him. Once you find him within you, you will find him in the Physical world. Else there stands no chance. But don't follow anyone blindly, simple because he claims to have met Mahavatar babaji. First receive his grace in your Ajna Chakra."
Yes. I had his darsana. But what do you actually mean by darsana? Ever since Yogananda has mentioned about this ancestral Yogi, named Mahavatar by Lahiri Mahasaya, people have been talking about him. So many People, Yogis and Siddhas speak of meeting Mahavatar Babaji since the Yogananda has made a mention of him. Why there was not such a bogus about Mahavatar babaji prior to the Yogananda's book, Autobiography of a Yogi? Some even relate him with the Hadiakhan babaji. Why people are now so much interested in the Mahavatar Babaji? Ever wondered that the soul within you is the oldest of the old, having become a human as an aftermath of years of conscious evolution. There are so many other yogis who have retained their sheaths of subtle body. Mahavatar is not Hadiakhan baba. They are different. The latter is an advanced siddha. Mahavatar is the consciousness, which has retained it's youthful form since ages. I don't claim of touching or speaking to him. Because i haven't. Nor has he given me any secret technique or mantra. He unveiled to me his true presence. Yes. He lives in you. Long hair, broad chest, wheatish complexion, and lustre on his face. But you need to explore him. Once you find him within you, you will find him in the Physical world. Else there stands no chance. But don't follow anyone blindly, simple because he claims to have met Mahavatar babaji. First receive his grace in your Ajna Chakra."
As the rigorous Spiritual pursuit was going on, Yogiji started visiting the nearby shrines to perform some more spiritual disciples under the effect of higher vibrations. As the people saw him they were fascinated to this young Yogi doing severe of Austerities. At a local Devi temple at 1100 Quarters Bhopal, the priest and the crowd received Yogi ji with all reverence. Similar was the scene at various other places. The people were automatically drawn to him, as the bees are drawn to honey. They started coming to Yogi ji in numbers, with an even increasing worldly demands. A person in the third stage of a fatal disease got cured. He's getting the treatment in the Apollo Hospital in Hyderabad. Yogiji recommended three therapies for him in place of five (as was recommended by doctors), and LO! The three were to be done, and in a short time, he became alright. Some came with family problems. Yogiji blessed them and all their problems were sorted out in no time. As such miracles followed, a large number of people started coming to Yogiji. He became greatly disturbed, seeing that only two out of many, who came to him, were spiritual aspirants. No one came for Spiritual redemption but worldly comforts. Yogi ji decided to move away from the Public and live in disguise as a normal man in his cubicle, doing the Sadhana and interacting with just three to four Spiritual devotees, who by that time, had become too close to Yogiji. He did the same. And after that, he's seen near to only those who were seeking the Spiritual knowledge, peace of mind and an aspiration to lead the spiritual life. To those, who were in the search of Spiritual Guidance. Many people took him to be a mystic with the miracles which occurred. When asked about the Miracles, he says :
"I never performed any miracle. I am not a miracle worker. If you seek miracles, go out and reach to some great magicians like Chris angel. Why coming here? Here you will find only spiritual solace and no miracles? Is Maya not miraculous? When a twenty feet high tree emerges out from a small pea-sized seed, don't you take it as a miracle? Miracle is happening everywhere in the world. Just see around. Miracle is an illusion. So is this world. Why create more illusions within the illusory world. The greatest miracle is to ignite the spark of spiritual life within a worldly person. If i may be able to do that by the grace of Almighty, you may call me a miracle worker. But no siddhi has been granted to this body, and so I cannot grant it to those who come to me in search of it. Don't come to me in search of power, fame or Siddhis. People get cured and healed. They get what they want. It's not because of any miracle. It's because of their faith in me and in God. Faith in God can move mountains. That is not miracle but faith. If you have such an unshakable faith in lord, even a stone will answer your prayers."
There are many people who take Yogi ji as a Guru, but Yogi ji has accepted only one person as his disciple until date. He doesn't make any Sishyas nor give any Formal Diksha (Until the aspirant is highly ready to receive it or is spiritually inclined). He says that the bond of a Guru and a disciple is not formed out of the statements. It requires testimony on the part of disciple. He should be able to have Sakshatkar of the Guru, and should then seek for the right directions that the Universe give to the aspirant. Only after the Rinanubandhas from many previous lives, is the bond of Guru and Sishya formed.
Yogi is not inaccessible to true seekers of Spirituality. He's ever ready to help those who need the spiritual uplift in their life or aspire to do a Satsanga with him. But in the coming year, he's going away from the world, in the deep forests to continue his Sadhana. We have a few more years with him. The direct address of Swamiji cannot be given on a public platform. But the center, Sai Samarth Kendra in Bhopal, may help the genuine seekers of truth meet the yogiji.
All you may do is to write us an e-mail on, saisamarthparivar@yahoo.in
Their is no cost AT ALL, to stay in Bhopal at the place of Yogiji, if the people are coming from outstations or are coming from countries other than India.